
Got a robot for 2021? Show us and we’ll showcase yours!

13-10-2020 | |
Wageningen, Tijmen Bakker stelt nog wat dingen in op afstand van de wiedrobot. fotografie MMS Hans Prinsen
Wageningen, Tijmen Bakker stelt nog wat dingen in op afstand van de wiedrobot. fotografie MMS Hans Prinsen

Future Farming is creating an overview of field and harvest robots that growers can purchase or lease in 2021. If you’re a supplier or manufacturer, then please contact us. Registration closes October 30.

Worldwide, companies, researchers and handy inventors are working fiercely on developing autonomous field robots that should help crop growers to work more efficiently with to decrease the amount of chemicals, fertilisers and labour needed. The market for ag robots will increase fivefold in the coming years, partly under pressure from Covid-19 impact and the lack of labour, analysts expect. But which field robots are really for sale or for rent for the farming practice?

Overview of field and harvest robots

Future Farming is creating an overview of all field and harvest robots that open field growers can purchase or lease in 2021. This includes robots for weeding, spraying, scouting or harvesting for all crops in open fields. The overview will be published in the print edition of Future Farming magazine, which will be published late November.

Help us complete our list!

Can you help us complete our list of field and harvesting robot manufacturers that (plan to) sell or lease their robot(s) in 2021? If you’re a supplier or manufacturer, then please contact us directly via the mailing below. We will then send you an email with details about the specific information we would like to have of your autonomous robot(s).

The catalog Field robots models 2021 in the Future Farming magazine print edition, that will be published at the end of November, is closed. But for the online version you can always register your field robots.

Contact us at futurefarming@misset.com

Do you have a field robot for sale in 2021? Let us know! - Photo: Matt McIntosh

Do you have a field robot for sale in 2021? Let us know! – Photo: Matt McIntosh

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Geert Hekkert Chief editor of Future Farming
