
CropScan on-combine grain analyser now fits to John Deere X9 combines

06-02-2023 | |
CropScan 3300H touch screen monitor showing a real-time protein map. - Photo: CropScanAg
CropScan 3300H touch screen monitor showing a real-time protein map. - Photo: CropScanAg

The CropScan 3300H on-combine grain analyser provides real-time protein, moisture, oil, starch and fibre data for wheat, barley, canola, corn, soybeans and other grains and oil seeds directly from the combine.

The CropScan 3300H on-combine grain analyser now fits to John Deer X9 combines. CropScanAg has designed a new installation kit to suit the X9.

The new kit includes a special mounting bracket to bridge across the seam which is now part of the X9’s clean grain elevator. An extra long fibre optic cable has been designed to connect the CropScan 3300H Sample Head which is mounted on the outside of the clean grain elevator and the CropScan 3300H NIR Spectrometer which is mounted inside the combine’s cab.

Up to 240 samples are scanned for every tank or bin load as the grains or oil seeds are harvested. By combining protein and yield data from the combine, a new set of field data layers are available to help farmers manage the quality and quantity of their crops and to develop variable rate nitrogen fertilisation applications for the next harvest.

API connection

The John Deere X9 Series combine is significantly larger than the previous models and has several changes to the clean grain elevator. CropScanAg (in collaboration with Broden and Chris Holland) have designed a new installation kit to suit the X9. - Photo: CropScanAg
The John Deere X9 Series combine is significantly larger than the previous models and has several changes to the clean grain elevator. CropScanAg (in collaboration with Broden and Chris Holland) have designed a new installation kit to suit the X9. – Photo: CropScanAg

CropScanAg has established an API connection between the John Deere Operations Centre and the CropScanAg Cloud. The API enables boundary files to be automatically uploaded into the CropScan 3300H Touch Screen PC mounted inside the cab. Yield from the John Deere Operations Centre will also be uploaded directly into the CropScanAg Cloud within the next few months.

As a result, farmers will have one location to capture all the farm field data collected during the harvest. CropScan 3300H users have free portal access so that they can download their data files.

The CropScanAg N-GAUGE Harvest Manager App and Nutrient Manager Apps will allow farmers to view and manage their harvest data directly from their smart phones or tablets. The N-GAUGE Harvest Manager provides a virtual storage system in the cloud where the quality i.e., Protein, Moisture and Oil data for each tank or bin load are recorded and then tracked as the grains are moved from combine to field bin to silo and to the customer.

View field maps on smart devices

As well, farmers and their agronomists can view all the field maps for Protein, Moisture, Oil, Yield and Elevation directly on their smart devices. The N-GAUGE Nutrient Manager is an advanced module that uses proprietary algorithms to compute and display the performance data for each field on a smart device. These performance maps include Protein/Yield Correlation, Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorous and Sulphur Removal, Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Water Use Efficiency.

Variable Rate Fertilisation prescriptions can be generated directly from the Nutrient Manager App and then posted to the John Deere Operations Centre for downloading to sprayers, spreaders or seeders.

Better nitrogen management

According to CropScanAg the on-combine analyser and the CropScanAg N-GAUGE Apps provide John Deere users with a closed loop solution for managing grain on and off farm and to improve yield through better nitrogen management. With the rising cost of fertiliser and combines, the CropScan 3300H offers a ROI of 20-30% per annum.

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Hugo Claver Web editor for Future Farming
