
New smart fertiliser Lono reduces nitrogen input

01-07 | |
Lono can also be used in broadacre crops such as wheat and cotton. – Photos: ProdOz International
Lono can also be used in broadacre crops such as wheat and cotton. – Photos: ProdOz International

Australian food producers have been trialling a new-generation fertiliser with promising on-farm results. Lono, a smart fertiliser developed by UK-based Levity Crop Science, is shaping up as an affordable and sustainable solution, reducing nitrogen input.

Australian company ProdOz has conducted the trials with producers and industry agencies. Crop science technologist Zenon Kynigos at ProdOz says farmers and agronomists have reported improved yield and soil quality and a reduction in pollution.

“Lono has a strategic focus on reproductive growth, directing plant development towards flowers, fruits, and roots”, Kynigos emphasises. “It holds nitrogen in the amine form, offering benefits beyond conventional nitrogen fertilisers.”

Gaining ground in horticulture, Lono can also be used in broadacre crops such as wheat and cotton. And in Western Australia, the Galati Group has been trialling Lono over six vegetable sites for two years where it has delivered impressive results in potato, onion, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, eggplant and capsicum crops.

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Vince Galati (left) and Zenon Kynigos in Western Australia, where the Galati Group has been trialling Lono over six vegetable sites for two years. It has delivered impressive results there in potato, onion, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, eggplant and capsicum crops.
Vince Galati (left) and Zenon Kynigos in Western Australia, where the Galati Group has been trialling Lono over six vegetable sites for two years. It has delivered impressive results there in potato, onion, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, eggplant and capsicum crops.

Minimised nitrogen inputs

Co-principal Vince Galati says that the results have been very encouraging. “We’ve minimised our nitrogen inputs, the crop health has been enhanced and we’ve had better quality and yield and good healthy plant growth that is manageable. The trials have been extended to all vegetable sites and Lono is part of our R&D strategy to use less fertiliser.”

Costa Avocados national agronomist Craig Boyce said Lono had the potential to account for 15% to 20% its nitrogen program, following trials conducted over the past 12 months at multiple sites. “We’ve seen improved yield and nitrate levels, and it will, no doubt, remain part of our nitrogen program”, he says. “We grow a range of crops with a range of agronomists and we’re all sharing learnings and opportunities in what is a price-conscious market.”

Replacing nitrogen in potato crops

Australian trials of Lono delivered positive results in a range of crops.
Australian trials of Lono delivered positive results in a range of crops.

Ongoing trials of Lono are being conducted in south-east Queensland as part of water quality improvement programs delivered across a number of commodities with horticultural growers. These programs aim to improve on-farm practices to minimise environmental impacts and get the most out of every crop.

Agronomist Tim Walker at Walker Ag Consultancy, Tasmania, says that Lono can replace 20% of nitrogen used on potato crops. “A significant saving for the grower. The potential is there for Lono to become part of the regular nutritional program in potato production. It mixes well with fungicides and seems to work best in soils where nutrition is lacking.”

René Groeneveld Correspondent for Australia