
Oxbo develops new top-load harvester for berries

The Oxbo 7450 can harvest many crops, including blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. -  Photos: Oxbo
The Oxbo 7450 can harvest many crops, including blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. - Photos: Oxbo

US company Oxbo has developed a high-capacity, top-load harvester for growers with high tonnages and large bushes. The Oxbo 7450 can harvest many crops, including blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries.

The 7450 is capable of harvesting fresh market blueberries. With the new so-called DynarotorMax picking-system, it can pick more of the ripe fruit on every pass. It’s larger tunnel, wider throat and wider belts improve throughput and product storage, even in the highest tonnage varieties, according to Oxbo.

The 7450 has more rear deck storage than other Oxbo-models. It is also available with a high performance ground drive. The machine uses the Oxbo SoftSurface kit, a technology that reduces internal bruise damage in mechanically harvested blueberries.

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The Oxbo 8040 is one of its most popular models for picking higher-grade blueberries.
The Oxbo 8040 is one of its most popular models for picking higher-grade blueberries.

Berry-growing countries

Oxbo has a range of harvesters available, and currently has units running in the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, NZ and Chili. The company also has machines running in all berry-growing countries in Europe, such as the Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Norway, Poland and Ukraine.

The 8040 is one of Oxbo’s most popular models for picking higher-grade blueberries. This model is known for its picking effectiveness in areas that aim to pick a lot of high-end product. The self-propelled 8040 has a single-drop delivery system for optimum fruit quality and a wide picking tunnel to handle both large and small bushes. Growers can tailor the machine for picking conditions.

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Oxbo has a range of harvesters available.
Oxbo has a range of harvesters available.

User-friendly options

The 8040 runs a Kohler 48hp diesel engine. The unit comes standard with large stainless steel nose cones for a smoother transition from the plant into the picking tunnel. Three station leveling, horn and lights and flasher package are standard features.

One of the most user-friendly options on the machine is power beater adjust, which lets growers move the heads in or out hydraulically with the touch of a button. This is helpful when going between varieties or different aged plants. This rear-loading single drop harvester works well in a number of different picking conditions.

The company currently has units running in the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, NZ, Europe and Chile.
The company currently has units running in the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, NZ, Europe and Chile.
René Groeneveld Correspondent for Australia
