
Online mapping tool makes it easier to zone fields

27-07-2017 | |
Online mapping tool makes it easier to zone fields

The latest version of the MySoyl web-based business management tool from UK precision crop production business Soyl has integrated software for creating variable rate treatment maps.

The new custom applications feature can be used for any variable rate operation, including seed, slug pellets, irrigation, pesticides and cultivations.

“When setting up a new plan, users enter the field and product details and set minimum and maximum rates starting with zero if required,” explains Tom Parker, head of products and development.

“Zones for different rates can be created and edited, and the specific rates required can be set using a simple ‘click to apply’ approach or by inputting into a table,” he adds. “It’s also easy to treat headlands differently if required.”

2393_SOYL - MySOYL Custom Applications-c-Soyl

The new Custom Applications feature of the MySoyl business management platform enables variable rate treatment maps to be created for any operation, while viewing other data layers if required. Photo: Soyl

The plan can be viewed on top of other data layers – such as soil types, soil conductivity, nutrient maps and yield maps – and used as a guide for editing so growers can make informed decisions.

Product summary
Company: SOYL
Name: MySoyl Custom Applications
Type: Variable rate prescription maps
Key feature: Integrated into web-based business management tool so that selected data layers can be viewed to help in creating treatment maps.
For more information, visit the Soyl website

MySoyl: mapping slug infestations

In addition, field walking observations recorded using the company’s iSoylscout, app can copy data into a Custom Applications plan. So, for example, blackgrass patches and slug infestations can be mapped and the data used to create control treatment targeting plan with the soil type layer visible.

Adjustments for treatment inaccuracy through overlaps can be included in the plan, together with automatic recalculation of treatment rates according to total available product.

The plan can be exported to the iSoyl variable rate application app or as a set of shapefiles for use in other application systems or crop recording software.

Peter Hill Machinery writer
